Medicare Part B (Outpatient Medical Care)
If you make $85,000 per year or less or up to $170,000 for a married couple your Part B premium will be $99.90 per month in 2012. For those above these income levels a higher premium will apply based upon your income. You should refer to the Medicare And You Handbook to determine your monthly premium.
The Medicare Part B deductible for 2012 is $140.00 per year. After this deductible is met, you are responsible for 20% of all medial costs. This applies to all outpatient services including but not limited to Doctor visits, x-rays, MRI, lab tests, durable medical care and outpatient rehabilitation. There is no limit on your cost sharing. For Example: If you have $100,000 dollars in bills you will pay $20,000.00 as co-insurance.